Calisthenic Exercise Routines

Calisthenic Exercise Routines – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Calisthenic Exercise Routines. This topic was created by Michael Fotovich and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - What Is The Best Calisthenics Workout? -

Published:  | Submitted by Stephanie Potter | permalink
What Is The Best Calisthenics Workout? -

Sign up on the forums for your chance to win free supplements! This week we will cover what the best calisthenics workout would be. Learn more ...
Tags: Best Calisthenics Workout, training without weights, Hotel Training, calisthenic exercises, Push ups, Chest Dip, Chin-ups, Hyperextensions, Lunges, Cr

Tip 2 - The 30 Day Body Weight Beastmode Workout Plan

Published:  | Submitted by Viperkun | permalink
The 30 Day Body Weight Beastmode Workout Plan

In order to build muscle mass you have to go BEASTMODE. Use this 30 day plan to help you build size and strength.

Tip 3 - 2 Calisthenics workout routines (Full Body)

Published:  | Submitted by Ali Dessouki | permalink
2 Calisthenics workout routines (Full Body)

If you're just starting out with Calisthenics you might be looking for some ideas to structure your workouts. Here are 2 full body routines for beginners or intermediates. Both routines are in a circuit style, so you will work both on your strength and on your endurance by performing the exercises non-stop! Share this:FacebookTwitterGoogle +1DiggStumbleUponEmailLike this:Like Loading...

Tip 4 - Avoid the Gym by Using Calisthenics

Published:  | Submitted by Balt Leenman | permalink
Avoid the Gym by Using Calisthenics

Calisthenics, or bodyweight exercises, originated thousands of years ago in ancient Greece and have been a major component of fitness in athletics, military, law enforcement, and daily fitness for home workouts without equipment. Here is a request from a Perfect Pushup customer seeking to do more exercises without having to go to a gym.
Tags: Weight Training,General Fitness,Workouts,Fitness Equipment,Running and Cardio,Pushups and Pullups,Stew Smith

Tip 5 - Top Beginner Calisthenics Workout Plans and Tips to Start

Published:  | Submitted by Bear 77 | permalink
Top Beginner Calisthenics Workout Plans and Tips to Start

Do you want to start calisthenics? Do not know where to begin? Here are the best workout routines and tips for beginners.

Tip 6 - King of Calisthenics Workout: Lean Muscle Without Equipment

Published:  | Submitted by Xero Kelvin | permalink

No gym? No problem. Grow without equipment. Brad Borland shows you how to use your own body weight to build lean muscle mass. Basic & intermediate workouts included.

Tip 7 - Huge Calisthenics Workout Routines & Exercises List

Published:  | Submitted by lionel kaplan | permalink
Huge Calisthenics Workout Routines & Exercises List

The biggest list of calisthenics workout routines and exercises. You can find everything you need to know about body weight training.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

10.7k+ Reads
7 Tips
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