Can I Replace Windows Vista With Linux?

Can I Replace Windows Vista With Linux? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Can I Replace Windows Vista With Linux?. This topic was created by Nicole Stultz and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Installation of ubuntu and replace windows vista

Published:  | Submitted by C Oister | permalink
Installation of ubuntu and replace windows vista

I have downloaded ubuntu and saved it on my external hard drive. I would like to replace Windows Vista and run ubuntu on it's own. I have tried to boot straight on to the external usb drive but it ...

Tip 2 - Replace the Retiring Windows XP with Linux

Published:  | Submitted by Rich Pena | permalink

At long last, Microsoft is ending support for Windows XP. Replace it with Linux and you'll enjoy computing again.
Tags: install Linux, Linux tutorials, Linux distros, Linux vs. Windows

Tip 3 - How to convert my laptop with Windows Vista to Linux base?

Published:  | Submitted by Judy Smith | permalink
How to convert my laptop with Windows Vista to Linux base?

I want to learn Linux, so thinking about to convert my laptop from Vista to Linus. Please show me what are the right steps to do this.

Tip 4 - Installing Linux Over Vista Help

Published:  | Submitted by Esteban Liguori | permalink
Installing Linux Over Vista Help

My laptop has Vista installed on it, but also comes with all the other crapware. Even after unistalling all of this junk my laptop seems to still be sluggish. What I'd like to do is try Linux and just

Tip 5 - How To: Switch From Windows to Linux

Published:  | Submitted by Ilari Kuittinen | permalink
How To: Switch From Windows to Linux

How to make the switch, and still keep your Windows security blanket. Plus, troubleshooting, graphics, and networking tips.

Tip 6 - Which Linux distribution should I use on a computer that used to run Windows Vista?

Published:  | Submitted by Andy Curley | permalink

Need some help, I know almost nothing of Linux. I have a machine with 4GB memory and used to run Windows Vista. Some how this machine got trashed. When it starts ups it checks the DVD/CD before trying to boot. Boot up from the C drive does not go far. It asks for my backup.…

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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6 Tips
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