Can You Reuse Plastic Water Bottles?

Can You Reuse Plastic Water Bottles? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Can You Reuse Plastic Water Bottles?. This topic was created by steven gilbert and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Plastic bottles and cling film

Published:  | Submitted by Ofentse Ribane | permalink

There is no convincing scientific evidence to suggest that plastic bottles could cause cancer.

Tip 2 - How Reusing Plastic Bottles Can Be a Health Risk

Published:  | Submitted by Billy Belford | permalink
How Reusing Plastic Bottles Can Be a Health Risk

Reduce, reuse and recycle is the mantra of environmentalists everywhere, but reusing plastic bottles may do more harm than good by releasing toxic chemicals that can cause a host of serious health problems. Learn the dangers of reusing plastic bottles as well as some safe alternatives.

Tip 3 - What You Need To Know Before You Reuse That Plastic Water Bottle

Published:  | Submitted by Pascal Couzinet | permalink
What You Need To Know Before You Reuse That Plastic Water Bottle

The question: If it's just filled with water, what's so bad about not washing my water bottle? The answer: If you have a bottle that you use every day for water-drinking purposes, congratulations!
Tags: what, you, need, to, know, before, you, reuse, that, plastic, water, bottle, healthy, living

Tip 4 - Will I poison myself if I reuse this plastic water bottle?

Published:  | Submitted by Toby Halbrook | permalink
Will I poison myself if I reuse this plastic water bottle?

A reader tries to ease his bottled-water guilt by using the bottle more than once. Umbra tells him to put a cork in it.

Tip 5 - Are Plastic Drink Bottles Safe to Reuse for Drinking Water?

Published:  | Submitted by Angu 00e 9lica Breu 00f 1a | permalink
Are Plastic Drink Bottles Safe to Reuse for Drinking Water?

Plastic bottles are hugely popular these days for their convenience and perceived purity, as portrayed by effective marketing strategies. But according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, ...

Tip 6 - Food Myth: Is it Bad to Reuse Plastic Water Bottles?

Published:  | Submitted by The Yeti | permalink
Food Myth: Is it Bad to Reuse Plastic Water Bottles?

Is refilling your plastic water bottle actually slowly killing you?
Tags: University of Michigan

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

2.6k+ Reads
6 Tips
7 Votes
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