Tip - Can a Potato Really Fix a Too-Salty Soup? — Putting Tips to the Test in The Kitchn

Published  | Submitted by Serialone
Can a Potato Really Fix a Too-Salty Soup? — Putting Tips to the Test in The Kitchn

Maybe you forgot to use low-sodium broth. Maybe you forgot that you were using something salty like bacon or ham in your soup and you threw in an extra pinch of salt. In either case, you now have a pot of too-salty soup — I was guilty of this just last night when making a big pot of turkey meatball soup, but luckily it was flavorful enough that I could dilute it with water. But what happens when you like the flavor of the soup and don't want to change it, but it's just too salty? Can you throw a potato into it to absorb some of the salt? We put this tip to the test to see if it really works.

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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