Cat Spay Incision Infection

Cat Spay Incision Infection – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Cat Spay Incision Infection. This topic was created by Shera V Jauan and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Is My Cat's Incision Healing Normally?

Published:  | Submitted by Karen Musafir | permalink

Your cat recently came home after having surgery. It is now up to you to make sure the incision heals properly. But how can you tell if the redness and swelling are part of a normal healing process or signs of trouble?
Tags: e- collar

Tip 2 - Complications & Symptoms of Spay Problems in Kittens

Published:  | Submitted by Bud Nichols | permalink
Complications & Symptoms of Spay Problems in Kittens

Spaying is usually followed by a quick and painless recovery, but as with any surgical procedure, complications can occur. The frequency of complications can vary between veterinary hospitals, ...

Tip 3 - Spaying Cats - a complete veterinary guide to feline spay surgery.

Published:  | Submitted by Decoster Marc | permalink
Spaying Cats - a complete veterinary guide to feline spay surgery.

Everything you need to know about spaying cats, including: spaying pros and cons, spaying age, spay surgery, spay after-care, spay complications, spay myths and FAQs and spay alternatives.
Tags: spaying cats,spaying kittens,spaying procedure,feline spay,what is spaying

Tip 4 - Postoperative Care

Published:  | Submitted by Zeth Nystru 00f 6m | permalink
Postoperative Care

Please pick from the links in the dropdown menu above to jump directly to photos of pets similar to yours.  If you would like to submit your own post-op photos, please Contact Us. We can only provide postoperative support to our own patients. If your pet was spayed or neutered elsewhere, please
Tags: postoperative photos,pets in stitches,spay,neuter,dog

Tip 5 - What If a Spay Incision Gets Infected? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Barend Gerretsen | permalink
What If a Spay Incision Gets Infected? | eHow

Most responsible pet owners will choose to have their female dog spayed to prevent her from accidentally reproducing. While spay surgery is considered a normal procedure, there is a certain amount of risk associated with any surgical procedure. Infection can occur with any wound, regardless of whether the wound occurred as the result of surgery or...

Tip 6 - How to Care for Your Cat After a Surgery | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Chuck Magician | permalink
How to Care for Your Cat After a Surgery | eHow

If your cat just had surgery, adhere to the specific post operative care instructions your veterinarian provides upon your cat's discharge from the hospital. Always keep all recommended followup appointments and don't miss pills or forget any treatment steps or recommendations. This will ensure a speedier recovery time.

Tip 7 - Post-Surgical Lumps in Cats: What's Normal?

Published:  | Submitted by Mark Maegdlin | permalink
Post-Surgical Lumps in Cats: What's Normal?

A question that is commonly asked after a routine spay surgery is: "should I be concerned about the lump in the incision area?" This is especially true for cats. Is a post-operative swelling "normal" or cause for concern? This FAQ cannot offer a diagnosis or treatment, but will point out some common findings and when a call to your vet is warranted.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

16.1k+ Reads
7 Tips
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