Causes And Treatments for Arthritis

Causes And Treatments for Arthritis.  Treatment of arthritis generally includes lots of different things depending on the person, which include rest, occupational or physical therapy, exercise, drugs, and sometimes surgery to correct joint damage.  Under this topic please provide Tips on what has worked for people, including natural remedies. 

Tip 1 - Genetics, rigorous and continuous movement or an injury

Published:  | Submitted by 007 | permalink
Genetics, rigorous and continuous movement or an injury

All 3 of the above can cause arthritis, it usually also occurs to many people during old age - check out the picture I uploaded it shows you the bones top and bottom.

When arthritis attacks it will wear out your cartilage and you'll have lack of fluids as your body then attacks itself theres also many other factors which I've sourced below

Tip 2 - Physical Activity can Improve Symptoms

Published:  | Submitted by Tipster | permalink

Doctors recommend that arthritis patients should engage in physical activity. Inactivity weakens your muscles further and reduces your tolerance for pain. It also leads to heart conditions, which can worsen your situation. Read the link below for more details.

Tip 3 - Physical Therapy to maintain mobility

Published:  | Submitted by Randy | permalink

You should undergo physical therapy in order to maintain mobility and range of motion. The type of therapy depends on the severity of your condition and age. You should discuss this with your doctor and start therapy as soon as possible.

Tip 4 - Cold and Hot Are both Great!

Published:  | Submitted by Siya S | permalink
Cold and Hot Are both Great!

"Both ice and heat have their merits when treating arthritis. Like treating an injury, ice seems to be more effective for reducing inflammation and swelling and numbing pain, especially when symptoms appear in the first 24-48 hours. Heat, on the other hand, tends to work best for relaxing muscles and stiff joints by increasing blood flow and flexibility."

Tip 5 - Avoid fried and processed food items

Published:  | Submitted by Tessajones | permalink

According to the latest research, avoiding fried and processed foods can reduce inflammation and boost your immune system. Reduced inflammation means your joints won't hurt as much.

Tip 6 - Use Fish Oil Supplements

Published:  | Submitted by Adriane Brito | permalink

Fish oil supplements have omega 3 fatty acids which are excellent when it comes to fighting inflammation. They can reduce the pain in your joints considerably with regular use.

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Category: Health & Fitness | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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