Causes of Morning Congestion

Causes of Morning Congestion – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Causes of Morning Congestion. This topic was created by Alan Roachell and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Causes of Morning Congestion | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by derneger 1 | permalink
Causes of Morning Congestion | eHow

Morning congestion is common in some people, and different factors can bring on this condition. Congestion occurs in people with colds, allergies and sinus problems. In some cases, these individuals are able to control congestion symptoms during the day. Unfortunately, congestion returns at night and results in a stuffy nose or breathing...

Tip 2 - cure for the morning snots?

Published:  | Submitted by Oogs | permalink
cure for the morning snots?

Help me stop the morning snots. Invariably, every morning my sinuses go into overdrive about 5-10 minutes after I wake up. My nose gets completely congested and I'll have to honk wads of clear...

Tip 3 - sinus health

Published:  | Submitted by Brad Rochon | permalink

Tags: sinus cavities, blocked, pain and congestion, sinusitis, tips to help

Tip 4 - Why Do I Have A Stuffy Nose Every Morning - Doctor insights on HealthTap

Published:  | Submitted by mdnunited | permalink
Why Do I Have A Stuffy Nose Every Morning - Doctor insights on HealthTap

Doctors give unbiased, trusted information on whether Na Sal can cause or treat Congestion: Dr. Zacharisen on why do i have a stuffy nose every morning: When you lay down.. Either on your back or side, the turbinates (tissue on the side of you your nose - inside) swells up. This is why people feel stuffy with allergies, crying, etc. Some people will notice that the feeling of stuffiness changes from side to side as they turn over in bed. If the stuffiness is severe, it could lead to nasal and then sinus congestion which may lead to a headache.

Tip 5 - Help needed in solving chronic nasal congestion / dust mite allergy.

Published:  | Submitted by nickie jordan | permalink
Help needed in solving chronic nasal congestion / dust mite allergy.

Hey all, I need some assistance in erasing this last nagging health problem I've been having for years. Over time I've found this place to be a better

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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