Causes of Poor Circulation Problems

Causes of Poor Circulation Problems – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Causes of Poor Circulation Problems. This topic was created by Al Jacks and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Symptoms and Causes of Poor Circulation

Published:  | Submitted by Maury Mc Fadden | permalink
Symptoms and Causes of Poor Circulation

Tip 2 - Cold toes, numb feet, poor circulation

Published:  | Submitted by Gert - Jan Vaes | permalink
Cold toes, numb feet, poor circulation

Feeling cold can be a sign of ill health or an underlying medical condition. Here are some of the reasons.
Tags: Cold toes, numb feet, poor circulation, Hypothyroidism, Chilblains, Anorexia , Raynaud's, Diabetes, acrocyanosis

Tip 3 - Peripheral Artery Disease of the Legs

Published:  | Submitted by Brent Conlin | permalink
Peripheral Artery Disease of the Legs

Peripheral artery disease narrows arteries in the legs, limiting blood flow. Are you one of the 8 million Americans affected by PAD?
Tags: peripheral artery disease, PAD, atherosclerosis, atherosclerosis complications, peripheral arterial disease, claudication, leg, pain, circulation, poor circulation, exercise, wound, heal, calf, foot, pulse, hip, buttocks, thigh

Tip 4 - BALANCING YOUR HEALTH: Poor circulation causes many problems

Published:  | Submitted by Richard Bourne - Vanneck | permalink
BALANCING YOUR HEALTH: Poor circulation causes many problems

Poor circulation can cause numerous health problems. Chronic conditions such as varicose veins, kidney damage and stroke are among the disorders that can happen if circulation issues go untreated.

Tip 5 - Chronic Pain Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - Circulatory Problems - eMedicineHealth

Published:  | Submitted by zx 3fcs | permalink
Chronic Pain Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - Circulatory Problems - eMedicineHealth

Chronic pain is defined as pain that persists for a period of 6 months or longer, and is the result of a medical condition or damage to the body. Causes of chronic pain include fibromyalgia, headaches, arthritis, and back pain.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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