Causes of Tingling & Slight Numbness in Feet

Causes of Tingling & Slight Numbness in Feet – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Causes of Tingling & Slight Numbness in Feet. This topic was created by Niek de Goeje and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Causes of Tingling in Hands and Feet

Published:  | Submitted by James Laughlin | permalink
Causes of Tingling in Hands and Feet

What causes foot and hand tingling? WebMD investigates and provides the facts.
Tags: tingling, tingling in hands, tingling in feet, causes, treatments, tingling in hands causes, tingling in hands treatment, tingling causes, tingling treatment, tingling in feet causes, tingling in feet treatment

Tip 2 - Numbness and tingling: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Published:  | Submitted by M Hussain | permalink
Numbness and tingling: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Tip 3 - Tingling in hands and feet

Published:  | Submitted by Yakumo | permalink
Tingling in hands and feet

In many cases tingling in the hands or feet is nothing to worry about, but it can be a symptom of some medical conditions.
Tags: tingling, tingling in hands, tingling in feet, causes, treatments, tingling in hands causes, tingling in hands treatment

Tip 4 - Numbness or Tingling Symptoms -

Published:  | Submitted by fontknocker | permalink
Numbness or Tingling Symptoms -

Check medical symptoms for numbness or tingling with the self-assessment symptom checker.
Tags: Numbness or Tingling, symptom checker, medical symptoms

Tip 5 - Tingling, pins and needles sensation from hypothyroidism?

Published:  | Submitted by NICOLE LUCKO | permalink

I'm constantly getting these tingling pains all over my body, especially my hands and feet. It's driving me crazy!!!! I've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Is this caused by my hypothyroidism? Does anybody out there experiance this. It's unbareable at times!!!! Hoping i can get some advice. Please Help!!
Tags: Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Cancer, Thyroid Nodules

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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