Chia Pet Facts

Chia Pet Facts – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Chia Pet Facts. This topic was created by Annette Aagaard and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Chia Pets

Published:  | Submitted by Kai Keskumaki | permalink
5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Chia Pets

"Ch-ch-ch-chia." These animal or head-shaped figurines have been popular since the early 1980s. Rubbing moist seeds into the grooves in the terra cotta start the germination process. As the seeds grow, they create a carpet of tiny plants all over the figurine. The sprouts look like the hair or fur

Tip 2 - Building an Empire: Chia Pet's Joseph Pedott

Published:  | Submitted by Thrillz 17 | permalink
Building an Empire: Chia Pet's Joseph Pedott

After three decades of blockbuster sales, you can't dismiss the grow-it-yourself sprout kits as a fad.
Tags: advertis,article,Building an Empire,Chia Pet,entrepreneurs,Joseph Enterprises,Joseph Pedott,Katie Morell,leadership and management

Tip 3 - The Truth About Chia

Published:  | Submitted by Rafal Meczkowski | permalink
The Truth About Chia

Chia seeds are supposed to help control hunger while they enhance your diet with super-nutrients. But what's the real story?
Tags: chia, chia seeds, chia weight loss, chia diet, chia review

Tip 4 - 10 Reasons To Add Chia To Your Diet

Published:  | Submitted by neba neba | permalink
10 Reasons To Add Chia To Your Diet

Ch-ch-ch-chia! The fuzzy green novelty items may be the first thing you think of when you hear the word chia, but these tiny superfood seeds are the reason Chia Pets get their lush coating. Nowada
Tags: chia, seed, benefits:, 10, reasons, to, add, chia, to, your, diet, canada, living

Tip 5 - Why Everyone Should Try Sprouting Chia Seeds

Published:  | Submitted by Wally amp Norma Higgins | permalink
Why Everyone Should Try Sprouting Chia Seeds

I have to admit, I was a little bummed at Christmas when at my family’s gift exchange, I was the recipient of a Chia Pet. Everyone else got stuff they could use or gifts that were fun, but what was
Tags: christy-lonergan,chia-seed,food,wellness,healthy-foods,sailthru

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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