Tip - City shuts down bike park near Jamaica Pond - The Boston Globe

Published  | Submitted by Adam Castleton
City shuts down bike park near Jamaica Pond - The Boston Globe

It is a thing of beauty. For at least a decade, this wedge of land just west of Jamaica Pond has been a hidden haven for bike enthusiasts. They hand-built trails of bumps and jumps, and got airborne. Tucked between Parkman Drive and Prince Street and largely hidden in the trees, it remained secret. And then a couple of years ago, Kyle Orrico and a couple of buddies decided to make the park into something more ambitious. What they achieved leaves you gape-mouthed. It starts with perfectly formed bumps, and symmetrical berms. A hairpin turn is glass-smooth. Beyond it are huge doubles – ramps more than ten 10 feet high – where cyclists soar. They did a great job. So great, the city is shutting it down.
Tags: Kyle Orrico,Jamaica Plain,Jamaica Pond,Frederick Law Olmsted,John Iappini,Gerry Wright, Frederick Law Olmsted

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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