Tip - Cleopatra’s Bag of Tricks: The Love and Beauty Secrets of Antiquity’s Women

Published  | Submitted by Tom Fowler
Cleopatra’s Bag of Tricks: The Love and Beauty Secrets of Antiquity’s Women

Dead Sea salt, asses milk, olive oil, nightingale droppings- these are just a few of the examined love and beauty secrets favored by ancient women. Many ancient rituals are explained and while some unusual customs are obsolete, many are still practiced today. Cleopatra, the Queen of Sheeba, and the women of ancient cultures like Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, China, and Rome were all concerned with beauty and sexuality; many of their rituals are discussed in the subsequent article.
Tags: beauty secrets,hair care,beauty regimens,ancient women,ancient egyptian women,ancient egypt,tips

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Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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