Climbing Plants Which Can Cover Fences

We have a small lawn in the front and it would be great to have some climbing plants cover the fences. Can anyone tell me which climbing plants are best for this and whether there are any things I should be concerned about?

Tip 1 - Use Ivy

Published:  | Submitted by Rebecca | permalink

English ivy has long been used for privacy purposes. It can actually work all year round if you maintain it properly.

Tip 2 - Sweet autumn clematis

Published:  | Submitted by Pura Sanchez | permalink

This is the best vine for covering fences and walls. It doesn't just go up but also covers width as well. It has small lovely white flowers and the plant doesn't need a lot of sun or any specially treated soil.

Tip 3 - Berberis for north and east-facing walls and Actinidia kolomikta for south and west

Published:  | Submitted by Homesense | permalink
Berberis  for north and east-facing walls and Actinidia kolomikta for south and west

Climbing plants for east-facing and north-facing walls

North-facing walls are sunless and cold places creating less-than-ideal growing conditions. However there are a number of plants able to cope with these conditions well. East-facing walls can also be quite cold as they only receive morning sunlight; however this extra sunlight allows you to grow a wider choice of plants. Take care when choosing plants for east-facing walls as the early morning sunlight in the winter and spring can cause damage to frozen buds and leaves. Rapid thawing of the buds and leaves can cause cell damage resulting in browning or withering. Evergreen climbing plants and shrubs such as Camellias are particularly susceptible to this.

Tip 4 - Coral honeysuckle

Published:  | Submitted by Phillip Cockrell | permalink

This is a perennial plant which blooms between June and September. During this time, the flowers will disperse a nice scent and the plan can be raised up on a pole or a wall quite easily.

Tip 5 - Requires good support

Published:  | Submitted by Amania | permalink
Requires good support

All climbing plants will need some training initially. When planting your new climber or shrub, make sure you plant it 30-45cm away from the base of a wall or fence so the rain can reach the roots of the plant. Use a series of horizontal or vertical wires, or a trellis attached to the wall to provide support for your climbing plants. Tie in new shoots with soft garden twine. Garden structures for climbing plants need to be strong and secure as plants can become very heavy with age.

From Thompson Morgan

Tip 6 - Moonflower

Published:  | Submitted by Tonya Skief | permalink

Morning glory is not only a climber (though you will need to plan a lot of them) but also has beautiful large white flowers which open up at dusk at close up when day comes. They also give a beautiful scent and the vine can go upto 15 feet in height.



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Category: Home & Garden | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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