Common Filters Used in Photography

Common Filters Used in Photography – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Common Filters Used in Photography. This topic was created by David Airth and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 5 essential photography filters (and why you can't live without them!) | Digital Camera World

Published:  | Submitted by Craig Mac Kenzie | permalink
5 essential photography filters (and why you can't live without them!) | Digital Camera World

Even though you can achieve many effects in Photoshop, here are five photography filters that no photographer should be without…

Tip 2 - Lens Filters Explained

Published:  | Submitted by Koen Muysewinkel | permalink
Lens Filters Explained

In this lens filters explained article, I talk about the different types of lens filters available, what they do, when and how to use them.

Tip 3 - Introduction to Filters for DSLRs - Digital Photography School

Published:  | Submitted by teresa Hurst | permalink
Introduction to Filters for DSLRs - Digital Photography School

What filters should I buy for my DSLR lenses? The ‘filter’ question is another of the common ones that I’m asked these days (along side the ‘which lens should I buy’ question. It’s a slightly tricky question because the answer will depend upon the type of photography that you do, the type of lenses that …

Tip 4 - 10 Essential Camera Lens Filters to Add to Your Collection

Published:  | Submitted by Ed Tellefsen | permalink
10 Essential Camera Lens Filters to Add to Your Collection

Camera lens filters are a key part of any serious photographer’s camera bag, as they have noticeable effects on images. While casual photographers may think that physical filters are not needed in this...
Tags: lens filters ultra violet filters cooling filters color filter flash lighting

Tip 5 - The 3 Best Lens Filters for Landscape Photography

Published:  | Submitted by khimera | permalink
The 3 Best Lens Filters for Landscape Photography

Professional landscape photographers recommend 3 lens filters above all others - polarisers, graduated NDs, and warming filters. Find out why.
Tags: best, filter, landscape, photography, polarising, neutral, density, nd, warming

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

20.7k+ Reads
5 Tips
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