Cool Places to Work

Cool Places to Work – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Cool Places to Work. This topic was created by Louis Thomas and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - The 25 Best Places to Work - In Photos: The 25 Best Places to Work

Published:  | Submitted by bangalt | permalink
The 25 Best Places to Work - In Photos: The 25 Best Places to Work

Glassdoor, an online jobs and career community, has just unveiled its fifth annual Employees’ Choice Awards, which is a list of the best places to work in the coming year. The awards rely solely on the input of employees who anonymously provide feedback through a survey. Here's what employees said are the top 25 places to work in 2013.
Tags: Leadership,Management,Managing,Best Buy,Daniel Pink,Gallup,Google,Jacquelyn Smith,ROWE,Walt Disney

Tip 2 - Glassdoor Best Places to Work

Published:  | Submitted by Scott Oppliger | permalink
Glassdoor Best Places to Work

Tip 3 - 100 Best Companies to Work For

Published:  | Submitted by David Towill | permalink
100 Best Companies to Work For

This year’s list marks Fortune's 18th year of partnering with Great Place to Work. Google ranks No.1 for the sixth time, and 16 new companies make impressive debuts, including Acuity (No. 3), Twitter (No. 24), and Riot Games (No. 13).
Tags: franchises, 100 best companies to work for

For further reading: [3]

Tip 4 - 100 Best Companies to Work For list

Published:  | Submitted by onearmedman | permalink
100 Best Companies to Work For list

Learn what it takes to create your great workplace. Whether you are seeking recognition, evaluation or consultation for your workplace culture, Great Place to Work has the data and tools to help your organization prosper.
Tags: great places to work, great place to work, workplace, best practices, building trust

Tip 5 - Beyond Google and Facebook: 10 Other Cool Places to Work

Published:  | Submitted by Rogerio Zago | permalink
Beyond Google and Facebook: 10 Other Cool Places to Work

Glassdoor compiled a list of unique office spaces from more than 100,000 photos shared by users. While neither Google nor Facebook made the list, here are 10 companies that did.

Tip 6 - Best Places to Work in the Federal Government

Published:  | Submitted by Clu 00e 1udia Conceicao | permalink
Best Places to Work in the Federal Government

The 2014 Best Places to Work rankings reveal the lowest federal employee satisfaction and commitment score in the history of the rankings. Government-wide, the new data also show a decline in seven of the 10 workplace categories measured, from effective leadership to strategic management.

For further reading: [6]

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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