Countrywide Financial Problems

Countrywide Financial Problems – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Countrywide Financial Problems. This topic was created by Fabrizio Fevola and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How the roof fell in on Countrywide

Published:  | Submitted by Elenara Leitu 00e 3o | permalink
How the roof fell in on Countrywide

Editor's note: This week FORTUNE is publishing excerpts from its favorite business books of 2010. This excerpt from Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera's All the Devils are Here talks about how Countrywide's Angelo Mozilo was blind to the risky mortgages that would eventually wound his firm and contribute to the global financial crisis. CEO and…
Tags: finance,

Tip 2 - Countrywide Financial Corporation

Published:  | Submitted by Cindy Lambe | permalink

News about the Countrywide Financial Corporation. Commentary and archival information about the Countrywide Financial Corporation from The New York Times.

Tip 3 - Looking Back On Bank Of America's Countrywide Debacle

Published:  | Submitted by Rev Morris | permalink

Five years ago Friday, Bank of America announced it was buying one of the nation's largest mortgage lenders. Bank officials thought the deal to buy Countrywide Financial would cement Band of America's place at the top of the commercial banking business. But it did not turn out that way.

Tip 4 - 60 Billion Reasons Bank of America Corp Can't Blame Countrywide Financial for Its Problems

Published:  | Submitted by Michelle Mc Cormack | permalink

The belief that Countrywide Financial is the source of Bank of America's problems simply isn't true. - John Maxfield - Financials

Tip 5 - Bank of America continues to end its Countrywide problem

Published:  | Submitted by R Tibbitts | permalink
Bank of America continues to end its Countrywide problem

The beleaguered bank will spend billions to deal with the ongoing hangover from its acquisition of Countrywide in 2008. But at least the bank is still around.
Tags: KPCC, California, Southern California, Los Angeles, Pasadena, SCPR, Southern California Public Radio

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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