Tip - Creating a Slideshow With iMovie and Burning It to a DVD - Tuts+ Computer Skills Tutorial

Published  | Submitted by Suzanne Roy
Creating a Slideshow With iMovie and Burning It to a DVD - Tuts+ Computer Skills Tutorial

A picture is worth a thousand words and, by that token, a slideshow of pictures must be worth thousands more. Picking the right tool for creating a slideshow, however, can be a tough task. Most of the free pieces of software are under equipped and often confusing. In comparison, the more expensive software is normally seen as an unnecessary purchase. Although, with iMovie, the application Mac users receive free, you can make custom movies you'd be proud of.
 In this tutorial I will show you how to create a custom slideshow in iMovie, how to add music and transitions, and then finish with the exportation to DVD of your final product. Read on to find out how to showcase your photos properly! | Difficulty: Beginner; Length: Medium; Tags: App Training

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