Tip - DIY Camo: Give Your Synthetic Gunstock a Paint Job

Published  | Submitted by Peter van Hoorn

Photo by Travis Rathbone Think your old synthetic rifle or shotgun stock could use a modern facelift? Instructors at North Carolina’s Montgomery Community College Gunsmithing School dolled up the D.I.Y. camo-painted stocks shown here and gave us their step-by-step plan. To get started, remove barrels, actions, and sling swivels from the stocks. Lightly sand the stocks with 220-grit sandpaper and wipe them clean with denatured alcohol or acetone. Use masking tape and an X-Acto blade to mask off areas that shouldn’t be painted. Suspend the stocks from a clothes hanger and start spraying.
Tags: paint, hunting, shotgun, rifle, camo, DIY, stock, how to, guns, nickens, hunting, guns, Rifles, Shotguns

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Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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