DIY Camp Kitchen

DIY Camp Kitchen – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on DIY Camp Kitchen. This topic was created by Chrissy Curry and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Campmaking

Published:  | Submitted by Helmut Ermlich | permalink

We all know that Martha Stewart is the Queen of "Homemaking". Well we like the idea of "Campmaking". Here we share ideas to help make your camp more comfortable, practical, stylish or homely. You're welcome to leave a comment if you find a pin that you like.

Tip 2 - Chuck Box - Camp Kitchen

Published:  | Submitted by Mick Streeter | permalink
Chuck Box - Camp Kitchen

Problem: I want to go car camping but, don't have an organized way of dealing with cooking, eating and cleanup besides several cardboard boxes full of...

Tip 3 - 20 Most Creative Camping DIY Projects and Tips - Style Motivation

Published:  | Submitted by Stefan Unterkircher | permalink
20 Most Creative Camping DIY Projects and Tips - Style Motivation

These DIY ideas and tricks will guarantee you’ll be enjoying while you are back to nature. DIY Hand Washing Station Source Toilet paper holder Source Baby

Tip 4 - DIY Idea: Make Your Own Portable Camp Kitchen

Published:  | Submitted by xemred | permalink
DIY Idea: Make Your Own Portable Camp Kitchen

Spring is being a bit of a jerk this year, taking its sweet time to show up. In like lion, out like a slightly less cold but equally wet and windy lion. I've got a serious case of cabin fever this year - probably not worse than any other March, though it certainly seems so - and I'm spending my time planning all the stuff I'm going to do outside when the snow melts.    And, this portable outdoor kitchen isn't helping my fresh air jones much. I first spied the Outdoorsman Camp Kitchen on The Fancy for a whopping...
Tags: diy, camp, woodworking, wood, outdoor, travel, how-to, camping

Tip 5 - How to Build Your Own Camp Kitchen Chuck Box

Published:  | Submitted by Michael Pinkerton | permalink
How to Build Your Own Camp Kitchen Chuck Box

Feel organized with a chuck box camp kitchen. Use this do-it-yourself guide that will help the camp chef cook a delicious meal.

Tip 6 - Make a Portable Camping Kitchen

Published:  | Submitted by Thessa Duyck | permalink
Make a Portable Camping Kitchen

This easy-to-make carrier holds all your outdoor cooking equipment, including the sink.
Tags: Camping Kitchen, Camp Stove, Storage Problem, Portable Cabinet, Cooking And Eating, Dishpan Sink, Rooftop Carrier, Meal Preparation, Car-Camping, Outdoor Kitchen, Do It Yourself

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

2.9k+ Reads
6 Tips
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