DIY Gel Holder

DIY Gel Holder – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on DIY Gel Holder. This topic was created by Anibal Nogueira and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - The Strobist Corner: Super Simple Gel Holder For "Strobist" Gels - DIY Photography

Published:  | Submitted by Noel Beckers | permalink
The Strobist Corner: Super Simple Gel Holder For "Strobist" Gels - DIY Photography

Here's the thing. If you are using the "The Strobist Collection" gels from Rosco (which we reviewed here. You know that they are really great. But they are a bit undersized to be velcro-ed to a speedlight. No room on both sides of the gels to attach them to the flash. Mike Errecart is going to show you how to fix this with a very simple hack after the jump

Tip 2 - Studio DIY: Gel Holder for Flash - DIY Photography

Published:  | Submitted by Ben Bateman | permalink
Studio DIY: Gel Holder for Flash - DIY Photography

Craig Colvin (Flickr) came up with a great design for a gel holder on a flash. The design includes an L shaped plexiglass. Now, if you ever followed the strobist way of mounting gels on your flash, you know the great value those little pieces of colored tape can provide. You probably also know that it can very annoying to apply the gel strips on the flash or to remove them. Not to mention stacking them together - this becomes a Velcro hell. The nice design by Craig solves this problem by providing a Velcro free gel chassis. Sometimes you need nothing more than some bended plexiglass. See Craig's full design and instructions here. If you can not bend plexiglass yourself you may want to consider using an Acrylic stand. I could only find big ones but I know that there is a smaller version from my local coffee bar. This got me thinking on alternatives to gel holders and the thing that popped to mind was name tag pockets. Those are pretty cheap and once you place on over your flash, you can freely insert and remove colorful gels. Make sure you don't miss out on the next article - Register to the RSS feed or the newsletter. More Gels: - Homemade Gridspot - Painting With Light - The Optimizer - The DIY Speed Strap - Accessories And Samples

Tip 3 - A DIY Clip Gel Holder - DIY Photography

Published:  | Submitted by Scott Dowd | permalink
A DIY Clip Gel Holder - DIY Photography

We have featured some awsome gel holders on the site before. But never one with this simple approach. It is fast to mount, easy to use and leave no residue on the strobe. It also fits any size flash and any size gel, how cool is that? Thanks, Jerry R Hamby, for this awsome build.

Tip 4 - DIY Flash Diffuser with Hundreds of FREE Color Filters

Published:  | Submitted by Act Alan | permalink
DIY Flash Diffuser with Hundreds of FREE Color Filters

Want to diffuse the flash and add some color to your photos at the same time? This quick and dirt-cheap trick will get you there.Take pictures in hund...

Tip 5 - Photography - DIY & Hacks

Published:  | Submitted by Elizabeth Goode | permalink
Photography - DIY & Hacks

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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