DIY Handkerchief Dress

DIY Handkerchief Dress – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on DIY Handkerchief Dress. This topic was created by creativeadz and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Handkerchief Dress

Published:  | Submitted by epuru | permalink
Handkerchief Dress

Discover thousands of images about Handkerchief Dress on Pinterest, a visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas.

Tip 2 - Handkerchief Skirt

Published:  | Submitted by Dan Gelfond | permalink
Handkerchief Skirt

Discover thousands of images about Handkerchief Skirt on Pinterest, a visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas.

Tip 3 - DIY Handkerchief Dress | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by WERWOLF | permalink
DIY Handkerchief Dress | eHow

A handkerchief hemline adds a sassy and flirty quality to an otherwise plain outfit. While it may look complicated to make a handkerchief skirt or dress, it is actually one of the simplest sewing projects out there. With common sewing supplies and a well-fitting T-shirt, any beginning seamstress can make her own handkerchief dress in practically no...

Tip 4 - Layered Handkerchief Edge Skirt

Published:  | Submitted by Scott Blair | permalink
Layered Handkerchief Edge Skirt

This is a super girly twirly skirt! Each layer is a full circle skirt with a handkerchief edge.

Tip 5 - The Square Circle Skirt (20-ish minutes to make) | Make It and Love It

Published:  | Submitted by Anu Vijh | permalink
The Square Circle Skirt (20-ish minutes to make) | Make It and Love It

  Sometimes I buy too much fabric.  I admit it.  Just don’t you dare email my husband and tell him that I’ve admitted it. ;)  If he ever notices that I have purchased new fabric and he happens to ask what it’s for……..I just mumble and laugh myself through some crazy explanation like, “oh, it’s …

Tip 6 - HANDKERCHIEF SKIRT | Weekend designer on

Published:  | Submitted by Kim Muratori | permalink
HANDKERCHIEF SKIRT | Weekend designer on

A handkerchief pointed-hem skirt is flattering to all, but especially for short-legged people because the points break up that horizontal hemline. No pattern is needed to make this skirt style. It is a simple block layout. One easy way to get that effect is to hem two squares of fashion fabric, each having four points…

Tip 7 - How to Draft a Circle Skirt (with Handkerchief Variation)

Published:  | Submitted by Arnold Slabbekoorn | permalink
How to Draft a Circle Skirt (with Handkerchief Variation)

A circle skirt is just what the name implies - the skirt is a circle, with a hole in the center for the waist. A handkerchief hem skirt is essentially the same, but it's a square!
Tags: circle skirt,handkerchief skirt

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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7 Tips
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