DIY Homemade Wooden Cradles

DIY Homemade Wooden Cradles – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on DIY Homemade Wooden Cradles. This topic was created by Ivo Persoons and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Free Crib Plans

Published:  | Submitted by Anna Domeredzka | permalink
Free Crib Plans

Free plans for building cribs and cradles from around the web.

Tip 2 - Baby Cradles

Published:  | Submitted by Torsten Poek | permalink
Baby Cradles

Discover Pins about Baby Cradles on Pinterest. See more about Cradle Bedding, Baby Bassinet and Baby High Chairs.
Tags: Cradle Bedding, Baby Bassinet and Baby High Chairs

Tip 3 - 10 Handmade Cribs, Cradles, & Children's Beds

Published:  | Submitted by Bridgework 1812 | permalink
10 Handmade Cribs, Cradles, & Children's Beds

I am truly a lover of handmade items - the craftsmanship, artistry, and originality is often unrivaled in our world of mass produced goods and big-box stores. Etsy is one place where handmade artisans have been able to find a platform in our world of technology and online shopping, but many people picture hand towels and kitschy crafts when they think of the site. I've recently been seeing more and more handmade furniture appear in my searches, and I've been steadily bookmarking them. Here are a few favorite pieces that I've found for the little ones...

Tip 4 - How to Build a Cradle for a Baby

Published:  | Submitted by Anglo European | permalink
How to Build a Cradle for a Baby

Build a Beautiful Wooden Cradle for Your Baby

Tip 5 - FREE Wood Baby Crib Plans Blueprints and Woodworking Designs

Published:  | Submitted by Torston Kasper | permalink
FREE Wood Baby Crib Plans Blueprints and Woodworking Designs

FREE baby crib plans. Find heirloom crib plans to make or free crib plans. Baby crib woodworking plans and blueprints to download! Find baby crib hardware that you need for your wood crib plans.
Tags: baby crib plans,crib plans,free baby crib woodworking plans,heirloom crib plans

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 10 month(s) ago

27.9k+ Reads
5 Tips
5 Votes
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