Dangers of Ionic Hair Dryers

Dangers of Ionic Hair Dryers – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Dangers of Ionic Hair Dryers. This topic was created by Gary Fontana and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Dangers of Ionic Hair Dryers | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Constantin Surdu | permalink
Dangers of Ionic Hair Dryers | eHow

Ionic hair dryers are some of the latest hair-care styling accessories to flood the beauty market. Research shows that ionic dryers can improve hair’s sheen and reduce frizz. However, they carry the same dangers as regular dryers.

Tip 2 - Are There Disadvantages to Ionic Hair Dryers? | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Christopher Kawaja | permalink
Are There Disadvantages to Ionic Hair Dryers? | LIVESTRONG.COM

What sets ionic hair dryers apart from traditional dryers is the fact that ionic dryers release only negatively charged ions. Ionic dryers help your hair cuticles to remain closed while you dry your hair, allowing the inside of your hair to retain moisture. As a result of using this type of beauty tool, the added moisture keeps your hair shiny and...

Tip 3 - Radiation From Your Washing Machine? Hair Dryer? | Bottom Line Health

Published:  | Submitted by Carol Willis | permalink
Radiation From Your Washing Machine? Hair Dryer? | Bottom Line Health

These secrets will help keep you safe. You’ve probably heard about the scientific studies linking cell phones to a variety of tumors, including brain cancer. The World Health Organization has now classified cell phones as a “possible carcinogen.”* What’s being largely overlooked: Electromagnetic radiation—from electrical appliances, such as hair dryers, microwave ovens and washing machines…as …

Tip 4 - Expensive Hair Dryers: Are They Worth the Cost?

Published:  | Submitted by Robert Kraus | permalink
Expensive Hair Dryers: Are They Worth the Cost?

Super-hot blow dryers definitely can save you time. But you have to know how to use them.
Tags: hair dryer, blow dryer, expensive hair dryer, expensive blow dryer, blow drying tips, hair drying tips, how to choose a blow dryer, how to use a blow dryer, best blow dryers

Tip 5 - Dangers of Ionic Hairdryers

Published:  | Submitted by Art Kimicata | permalink
Dangers of Ionic Hairdryers

Ionic hair dryers are supposedly faster and healthier for your hair than normal hair dryers. Though very convenient, ionic hairdryers pose significant dangers. Apart from possible burns and electric ...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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