Definition of Guarantor Loans

Definition of Guarantor Loans – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Definition of Guarantor Loans. This topic was created by fabrice Musy and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Guarantor

Published:  | Submitted by Andrew Kistner | permalink

Definition of Guarantor in the Financial Dictionary by The Free Dictionary

Tip 2 - What is a guarantor? definition and meaning

Published:  | Submitted by Frederick Schmidt | permalink
What is a guarantor? definition and meaning

Definition of guarantor: Person or firm that endorses a three party agreement to guarantee that promises made by the first party (the principal) to the second party (client or lender) will be fulfilled, and assumes liability ...

Tip 3 - Definition of Guarantor Loans | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Jihad TANIOS | permalink
Definition of Guarantor Loans | eHow

Guarantor loans involve promises or agreements made by third parties (guarantors) that ensure that the loans will be repaid. Guarantor loans usually are established by legally binding contracts, but the loans may vary in amount and purpose. A student might obtain a $5,000 loan, while a small business might request over $30,000. Most people with...

Tip 4 - Is a guarantor loan right for you?

Published:  | Submitted by Simen Lovgren | permalink
Is a guarantor loan right for you?

If you don't have much of a credit history or you have bad credit, getting a loan can be difficult. You'll either struggle to get a loan in the first place, or you'll end up paying such a high rate of interest, you could easily land yourself with serious debt issues. Quite recently a new type of loan has been introduced in the UK. A guarantor loan allows you to take out a loan, where a second person acts a guarantor.

Tip 5 - Definition of Guarantor Loans

Published:  | Submitted by Greg Strohecker | permalink
Definition of Guarantor Loans

Guarantor loans are a legally binding agreements in which a third party agrees to repay a loan in the case that the borrower does not or cannot. This is often the process used for individuals who ...

Tip 6 - Guarantor Definition | Investopedia

Published:  | Submitted by Mallory Riegger | permalink
Guarantor Definition | Investopedia

A person who guarantees to pay for someone else's debt if he or she should default on a loan obligation. A guarantor acts as a co-signor of sorts, in that they pledge their own assets or services if a situation arises in which the original debtor cannot perform their obligations.
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