Definition of Quitclaim Deed

Definition of Quitclaim Deed – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Definition of Quitclaim Deed. This topic was created by Alison Taylor and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Quitclaim+Deed

Published:  | Submitted by Deborah Larson | permalink

Definition of Quitclaim+Deed in the Legal Dictionary by The Free Dictionary

Tip 2 - Quitclaim Deed Definition | Investopedia

Published:  | Submitted by erwlasps 3 | permalink
Quitclaim Deed Definition | Investopedia

A deed releasing a person's interest in a property without stating the nature of the person's interest or rights, and with no warranties of ownership. While a quitclaim deed neither warrants nor professes that the grantor's claim is valid, it does prevent the grantor from later claiming they have an interest in the property.
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Tip 3 - What is a Quitclaim Deed?

Published:  | Submitted by Gerrit Ramzan | permalink
What is a Quitclaim Deed?

Everyone knows that a written document otherwise known as a deed is needed in order to transfer title in real property from one person to another. What everyone does not know is that deeds can be complicated and nuanced, taking multiple forms, each with its own specific implications and particular best uses.
Tags: What is a Quitclaim Deed?,legalzoom,Business Law,Contract Law,Real Estate,Money Matters

Tip 4 - When Do You Need a Quitclaim Deed? - Real Estate News and Advice -

Published:  | Submitted by Halldu 00f 3ra amp Maru 00edus ru 00e 1u 00f 0gjafar | permalink
When Do You Need a Quitclaim Deed? - Real Estate News and Advice -

A quitclaim deed is used when a property transfers ownership without being sold.

Tip 5 - What, Exactly, Is a Quitclaim Deed?

Published:  | Submitted by Anville Francis | permalink
What, Exactly, Is a Quitclaim Deed?

What is a quitclaim deed? Definition of quitclaim deed as it pertains to real estate and why it is so confusing to buyers and sellers.

Tip 6 - the definition of quitclaim

Published:  | Submitted by Piotr Maksimczuk | permalink
the definition of quitclaim

Quitclaim definition, a transfer of all one's interest, as in a parcel of real estate, especially without a warranty of title. See more.
Tags: quitclaim, online dictionary, English dictionary, quitclaim definition, define quitclaim, definition of quitclaim, quitclaim pronunciation, quitclaim meaning, quitclaim origin, quitclaim examples

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