Definition of a Non Profit Organization

Definition of a Non Profit Organization – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Definition of a Non Profit Organization. This topic was created by Kalyan Venkatachalam and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Definition of a Nonprofit Corporation

Published:  | Submitted by macrj 1 | permalink

A Nonprofit corporation is a special type of corporation that has been organized to meet specific tax-exempt purposes. To qualify for Nonprofit status, your corporation must be formed to benefit: (1) the public, (2) a specific group of individuals, or (3) the membership of the Nonprofit. Examples of Nonprofits include: religious organizations, charitable organizations, political organizations, credit unions and membership clubs such as the Elk's Club or a country club.
Tags: Definition of a Nonprofit Corporation, Nonprofits guide, Nonprofits, guide

Tip 2 - Nonprofit Organization Definition | Investopedia

Published:  | Submitted by Philip Waldstein | permalink
Nonprofit Organization Definition | Investopedia

A business entity that is granted tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service. Donations to a nonprofit organization are often tax deductible to the individuals and businesses making the contributions. Nonprofit organizations must disclose a great deal of financial and operating information to the public, so that donors can ensure their contributions are used effectively.
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Tip 3 - Non-profit+organization

Published:  | Submitted by Fernando Pu 00e 9rez | permalink

Definition of Non-profit+organization in the Legal Dictionary by The Free Dictionary

Tip 4 - What is a non profit organization (NPO)? definition and meaning

Published:  | Submitted by Cynthia Arenales | permalink
What is a non profit organization (NPO)? definition and meaning

Definition of non profit organization (NPO): Associations, charities, cooperatives, and other voluntary organizations formed to further cultural, educational, religious, professional, or public service objectives. Their startup funding is provid...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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