Definition of a Penny Stock

Definition of a Penny Stock – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Definition of a Penny Stock. This topic was created by Charles De Benedittis and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Penny Stock Definition | Investopedia

Published:  | Submitted by Stephen Wilkinson | permalink
Penny Stock Definition | Investopedia

A stock that trades at a relatively low price and market capitalization, usually outside of the major market exchanges. These types of stocks are generally considered to be highly speculative and high risk because of their lack of liquidity, large bid-ask spreads, small capitalization and limited following and disclosure.
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Tip 2 - What is a penny stock?

Published:  | Submitted by Ed Booth | permalink
What is a penny stock?

The term penny stock has evolved with the market. In the past, penny stocks were stocks that traded for less than a dollar per share. The SEC, however, modified the definition to include all shares trading below $5.If some of these stocks now trade above $1, why are they still called penny stocks? Well, even though some of these stocks may be selling for more than pennies, they are still called penny stocks because they are perceived the same way that stocks trading under a dollar were perceived in the past: as very risky investments.
Tags: penny stock,stock,sec,otcbb,pink sheets,nasdaq,nyse,small cap,otc bulletin board

Tip 3 - What Are Penny Stocks - How to Buy Penny Stocks

Published:  | Submitted by oxilovetroublexo | permalink
What Are Penny Stocks - How to Buy Penny Stocks

Learn when and how to buy penny stocks from stock market experts. Find information on what penny stocks are and if penny stocks are worth your money and time.

Tip 4 - the definition of penny stock

Published:  | Submitted by Joey 08 | permalink
the definition of penny stock

Penny stock definition, common stock, usually highly speculative, selling for less than a dollar a share. See more.
Tags: penny stock, online dictionary, English dictionary, penny stock definition, define penny stock, definition of penny stock, penny stock pronunciation, penny stock meaning, penny stock origin, penny stock examples

Tip 5 - penny+stock

Published:  | Submitted by Gotthard Miroslav | permalink

Definition of penny+stock by The Free Dictionary

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