Tip - Depression, Apathy, Anxiety, and Self-loathing

Published  | Submitted by Petr Tosovsky
Depression, Apathy, Anxiety, and Self-loathing

For three of the previous four years I was on several anti-depressants and have always had anti-anxiety prescription drugs available. This year i’m not takking any anti-depressants because they never really helped. I have only a few exams left and...
Tags: anti anxiety,anti depressants,anxiety,anxiety drugs,apathy,bastard,best friend,croatia,depression,depression anxiety,emptiness,exes,feelings,good looking guy,grad student,heritage,islam,jesus,nickname,none of those things,novels,occupation,prescription drugs,self loathing,sf,sf films,thesis,woman and man

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Posted: 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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