Devices for Making Hydrogen

Devices for Making Hydrogen – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Devices for Making Hydrogen. This topic was created by Caroline Debbane and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - New Device Produces Hydrogen Fuel from Sunlight and Wastewater

Published:  | Submitted by Rick Gayeski | permalink
New Device Produces Hydrogen Fuel from Sunlight and Wastewater

By combining a microbial fuel cell and a type of solar cell called a photoelectrochemical cell, researchers from UC Santa Cruz have developed a hybrid device that produces hydrogen gas from wastewater and sunlight. A novel device that uses only sunlight and wastewater to produce hydrogen gas

Tip 2 - New device harnesses sun and sewage to produce hydrogen fuel

Published:  | Submitted by Johan David | permalink
New device harnesses sun and sewage to produce hydrogen fuel

A device that uses sunlight and wastewater to produce hydrogen gas could provide sustainable energy and treat wastewater.
Tags: PEC-MFC, Yat Li, solar-microbial device, solar hydrogen generation, electrohydrogenesis, microbial fuel cell, PEC, MFC


Published:  | Submitted by Renata Segatto | permalink

Check out! HH2 low pressure hydrogen on-demand induction system inserts just the right amount of Hydrogen catalyst enhancing fuel combustion tenfold. HH2 low pressure hydrogen clean air HH2 on-demand induction system inserts just the right amount of Hydrogen catalyst enhancing fuel combustion tenfold. water4gas water4gas Diesel fuel savings low emissions ARB CARB
Tags: hydrogen fuel economy power IRS HH2 gas truck vehicle money save tax Hydrogen clean air HH2 generator in your car HH2 low pressure hydrogen clean air HH2 on-demand induction system inserts just the right amount of Hydrogen catalyst enhancing fuel combustion tenfold. water for gas water4gas>

For further reading: [3]

Tip 4 - Global Energy Devices | Home

Published:  | Submitted by Tenco 1 | permalink

Global Energy Devices introduces the Hydrogen Energy Cell.
Tags: hydrogen generators, Global Energy Devices, amperage, advanced, hydrogen cell, system, hydrogen generator, hydrogen fuel cell kit, hydrogen kits for gas engines

For further reading: [4]

Tip 5 - High-purity hydrogen generated from a single device

Published:  | Submitted by Drixter | permalink
High-purity hydrogen generated from a single device

( -- There are many ways to generate hydrogen, such as water electrolysis and steam reforming of gas, but the hydrogen produced by these methods tends to be combined with other byproduct and residual gases. For this reason, a second step to purify the hydrogen is usually required after it ...

Tip 6 - Device uses light to split water into clean hydrogen - Futurity

Published:  | Submitted by Ian Carruthers | permalink
Device uses light to split water into clean hydrogen - Futurity

Scientists have developed an inexpensive device that uses light to split water into oxygen and clean-burning hydrogen.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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