Diet to Lose Belly Fat for Men

Diet to Lose Belly Fat for Men – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Diet to Lose Belly Fat for Men. This topic was created by Ralph Meloro and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 101 Ways to Burn Belly Fat Fast

Published:  | Submitted by Corinne Carleton | permalink
101 Ways to Burn Belly Fat Fast

The average man's body houses 43.2 pounds of fat. And at any one moment, that number is either increasing or decreasing—it's never stagnant. Spend more of each day burning fat than you do storing it, and over time, you'll bury your belly forever. Sound simple? It is. You see, there's no single secret formula for losing fat. In fact, find 100 successful losers and they'll give you 100 different ways to win the battle of the bulge. But we did them one better.

Tip 2 - No Gut, All Glory

Published:  | Submitted by Soumik Sanyal | permalink
No Gut, All Glory

Friend, we need to talk about that gut of yours. We know you're not proud of it. You may crack jokes about how you're aiming for a gold medal in the splash-diving competition in 2008. But other than the impressive column of water you spew with each cannonball, you know that belly fat isn't doing you any good. You don't like looking at it in the mirror, women are turned off by it, children ask if you have a baby in there.You have more trouble sleeping than you used to, your lower back hurts, and exercise makes your knees ache.

Tip 3 - 6 Proven Ways to Lose Belly Fat (No. 2 and 3 are Best)

Published:  | Submitted by Nikki Abney | permalink
6 Proven Ways to Lose Belly Fat (No. 2 and 3 are Best)

Belly fat is the most harmful fat in your body, linked to many diseases. Here are 6 ways to lose belly fat, supported by science.

Tip 4 - How to lose belly fat in 10 simple steps

Published:  | Submitted by Scott Newhaus | permalink
How to lose belly fat in 10 simple steps

Avoid common mistakes and craft abs of steel by following these 10 simple steps to lose belly fat

Tip 5 - Diet to Lose Belly Fat - What to Eat to Reduce Your Waist

Published:  | Submitted by Paula Mays | permalink
Diet to Lose Belly Fat - What to Eat to Reduce Your Waist

Diet to lose belly fat

Tip 6 - How to Lose Your Belly Fat Quickly and Naturally | StrongLifts

Published:  | Submitted by Frederic ABITAN | permalink
How to Lose Your Belly Fat Quickly and Naturally | StrongLifts

10 best ways to lose your belly fat quickly and naturally. Includes common mistakes you must avoid to lose your belly fat.

Tip 7 - The Truth: How To Burn Abdominal Fat!

Published:  | Submitted by drumsrule 786 | permalink
The Truth: How To Burn Abdominal Fat!

You don't need to spend a dime to tighten and tone those abdominals. You only need to understand a few things about the human body!
Tags: maia appleby pro weight loss yogi advice stuff women fat lossing theroies The Truth: How To Burn Abdominal Fat!

Tip 8 - Belly Fat and How to Beat It

Published:  | Submitted by Michael Busk - Jepsen | permalink
Belly Fat and How to Beat It

Of all the e-mails I get sent every day, by far the most common — from men and women alike — are questions about the best way to lose belly fat. A pot belly... love handles... the spare tire... call it what you will. It seems to be the area of your body that you'd really like to do something
Tags: best way to lose belly fat for men

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

7.7k+ Reads
8 Tips
8 Votes
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