Diets for Heart Patients to Lose Weight Fast

Diets for Heart Patients to Lose Weight Fast – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Diets for Heart Patients to Lose Weight Fast. This topic was created by premen and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 7 Day Rapid Weight Loss Diet for Heart Surgery Patients | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by ANNE TEO | permalink
7 Day Rapid Weight Loss Diet for Heart Surgery Patients | LIVESTRONG.COM

The Sacred Heart Diet is a seven-day rapid weight loss plan that is rumored to have been developed by the cardiology department at the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital; the hospital, however, denies this claim. Theories state that the diet was developed to help overweight cardiac patients lose weight before the start of surgery. A seven-day rapid...

Tip 2 - Fast Weight-Loss Plans Given to Heart Patients Before Heart Surgery | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Marshall 28 | permalink
Fast Weight-Loss Plans Given to Heart Patients Before Heart Surgery | LIVESTRONG.COM

Having heart surgery is a major procedure that requires strict preparation to ensure the best outcome. During surgery, your body undergoes significant stress, so you doctor will order blood work and perform other tests to make sure your health is as good as it could be. In addition, you should take initiative in improving your diet and losing...

Tip 3 - The 3 Day Diet Plan Review, Foods, Effectiveness

Published:  | Submitted by Mark Genung | permalink
The 3 Day Diet Plan Review, Foods, Effectiveness

Does the 3 Day Diet plan work? Do the results last? Find out in this diet plan review from WebMD.
Tags: 3 day diet, review, foods, menu

Tip 4 - Cardiac unit diet - fast weight loss? - Pattaya Mail - Pattaya News, Communities, Opinions and much more...

Published:  | Submitted by Ziv Ben - Zuk | permalink

I met an old friend at a networking evening this month.  I hardly recognized him - he had lost 45 kg in weight.  “Did you have surgery?” I asked, thi...
Tags: pattaya, news, pattaya mail, travel, business, entertainment, sports, dining, restaurant, kids, children, orphanage, books, music, beach

Tip 5 - Is the Alabama 3-Day Diet Right for You?

Published:  | Submitted by William Lakenan | permalink
Is the Alabama 3-Day Diet Right for You?

Includes: the basics, analysis of the diet, the three-day diet plan, and healthy weight loss.
Tags: Is the Alabama 3-Day Diet Right for You?, the basics, analysis of the diet, the three-day diet plan, healthy weight loss

Tip 6 - Sacred Heart Diet

Published:  | Submitted by Martin Kosiek | permalink

Sacred Heart Diet: The Sacred Heart diet is a 7 day diet plan that allows a dieter to eat a specific

For further reading: [6]

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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6 Tips
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