Difference Between Perfume & Musk

Difference Between Perfume & Musk – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Difference Between Perfume & Musk. This topic was created by Cole Bene and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - What Is the Difference Between Perfume, Eau de Toilette, and Eau de Cologne?

Published:  | Submitted by Karen Menard | permalink
What Is the Difference Between Perfume, Eau de Toilette, and Eau de Cologne?

Answer by Tatiana Estévez, ex-aromatherapist, and I make my own perfumes: The base of any fragrance you can buy in shops will be the "perfume essence"—what actually makes the smell. This is a combination of essential oils (cedar wood, lime, sandalwood, etc), absolutes (jasmine, rose, neroli), animal extracts (musk, ambergris), and...
Tags: perfumes, Eau de Toilette, Cologne, perfume, how to tell perfume

Tip 2 - Perfume or eau de toilette? What's the difference?

Published:  | Submitted by Jack Flash | permalink
Perfume or eau de toilette? What's the difference?

From eau de toilette to perfume, different varieties of the same scent use different strengths and concentrations of essential oils and aromatic essences.
Tags: perfume,scent,eau de toilette, eau de cologne, essential oils, aromatic oils, extract, perfume extract,strenght, concentration, essence

Tip 3 - Parfum vs Eau de Toilette: What's the Difference?

Published:  | Submitted by John Grad | permalink
Parfum vs Eau de Toilette: What's the Difference?

What's the Difference Between a parfum, eau de toilette, eau de cologne, etc? We describe the major types of perfumes and fragrances, including the difference between a parfum, eau de perfume, eau de toilette, eau fraiche, and eau de cologne.

Tip 4 - Eau de Toilette vs. Eau de Parfum

Published:  | Submitted by Norman Msibi | permalink
Eau de Toilette vs. Eau de Parfum

Sometimes choosing a type of fragrance can be confusing. It is first important to understand the different types of perfume, and how they interact with one’s skin, before choosing the exact type of smell...
Tags: fragrances perfume eau de parfum eau de toilette eau de cologne

Tip 5 - What's the difference between cologne, eau de parfum and perfume?

Published:  | Submitted by Rick Rocco | permalink
What's the difference between cologne, eau de parfum and perfume?

Are you wondering what's the difference between cologne, eau de parfum and perfume? Learn what's the difference between cologne, eau de parfum and perfume.
Tags: cologne and eau de parfum and perfume, perfume types, types of fragrances

Tip 6 - What's the difference between perfume and eau de toilette?

Published:  | Submitted by Mahmoud Galal | permalink
What's the difference between perfume and eau de toilette?

What's the difference between perfume and eau de toilette? Find out what's the difference between perfume and eau de toilette in this article.
Tags: difference between perfume and eau de toilette, perfume and eau de toilette, perfume vs. eau de toilette

Tip 7 - The best cologne for men

Published:  | Submitted by Md. Mostafa rajib | permalink

Perfume is essential to express personality. I think a good character helps you catch other attention. 

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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