I only know the traditional knot but I recently saw a guy at a party with a very fancy knot I hadn't seen before. Can different knots be made using the same regular ties? If you know any different knots please share how you make them.
If you want something fancy, look at this video for the Merovingian knot.
Windsor is classic and looks great no matter what occasion. Check out the link I am sharing, it has an animation to guide you.
If you are looking for knots that really stand out, you can try the Eldridge or Trinity. But beware, both need a lot of material.
"Cross the wide end over the narrow, then slip the wide end up between the tie and the collar, then simply drop it back down."
Check the link below for 10 different knots and instructions on how to tie them.
Category: Beauty & Personal Care | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
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