Tip - Different Types of Allergies

Published  | Submitted by Mikhail Demchenko
Different Types of Allergies

Allergies are over-reactions of the immune system in certain individuals to seemingly and generally harmless foreign proteins and substances.
Tags: Allergic Rhinitis, Allergy, Anaphylaxis, Antibodies, Antibody, Cell, Histamine, Hypersensitivity, Lupus, Rhinitis, Sneezing, Anaphylactic Shock, Antigen, Asthma, Blood, Blood Pressure, Cough, Coughing, Diarrhoea, Drugs, Glomerulonephritis, Hives, Immunoglobulin, Insect Bite, Nausea, Pain, Transplant, Venom, Vomiting

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Posted: 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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