Does Testosterone Cause Hair Growth?

Does Testosterone Cause Hair Growth? – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Does Testosterone Cause Hair Growth?. This topic was created by Raymond Arthur and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Why Testosterone Affects Body Hair Growth

Published:  | Submitted by BS Stefan Ledwina | permalink
Why Testosterone Affects Body Hair Growth

Michael S. asks: Why does testosterone cause more body hair? Testosterone is a steroid hormone from a group called androgen. Androgen affects many characteristics in our bodies, like the development of the male sex organs, the deepening of the voice during puberty, muscle and bone strength, and hair growth. Interestingly, the same circulating androgen, like testosterone, can increase hair growth [...]

Tip 2 - Effects of Testosterone

Published:  | Submitted by dragan mestrovic | permalink
 Effects of Testosterone

Tip 3 - Hair Loss in Men | Hair Loss Treatment | Testosterone and Hair Loss

Published:  | Submitted by Jim Ange | permalink

Tip 4 - Does Testosterone Cause Hair Growth? | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by buckner wellford | permalink
Does Testosterone Cause Hair Growth? | eHow

Testosterone can cause hair growth, but not where you want it: on your head. Testosterone, which is an androgen, is a male hormone but women have it, too. It serves many functions, including keeping men and women sexually frisky. But when it comes to hair, testosterone--with a little help from DHT (dihydrotestosterone)--can cause problems. However,...

Tip 5 - Is Testosterone Making You Go Bald? The Link Between Male Hormones & Hair Loss - Sharecare

Published:  | Submitted by serj 2004 | permalink

Learn how testosterone can make a man go bald, and what treatments can help slow or even reverse hair loss.
Tags: enlarged prostate, hair loss treatment, male pattern baldness, testosterone, dht, bald, finasteride, baldness, male hormones, hair loss, minoxidil

Tip 6 - Male Hormone Replacement - Testosterone - The Turek Clinic

Published:  | Submitted by Simon Fitall | permalink
Male Hormone Replacement - Testosterone - The Turek Clinic

The average age of men in the US is rising significantly. As it happens, there is a dramatic increase in the need for male hormone replacement, including testosterone.

Tip 7 - Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Men

Published:  | Submitted by Andrew Maximow | permalink

Symptoms of low testosterone in men may include hair loss, decreased energy and libido, depression and change in sleep. See a full list of symptoms here.

For further reading: [7]

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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