Answer (1 of 20): Does vinegar clean your system of marijuana usage? This is a two-sided question. I suspect you are asking if vinegar can effectively and efficiently clear marijuana out of your system in a short period of time in order to pass a urine analysis. The answer to this is a half-hearted no - and just because some people claim that they have had previous success with it, this does not necessarily mean that it is 100% successful for everyone.Dietitians recommend vinegar to aid the body in digestion and cleansing. There are many beneficial properties to drinking vinegar (usually diluted with water or another sterile and healthy liquid) and, yes, detoxification of your organs and the purification of your system are included in those benefits. However, these benefits occur gradually over an extended period of time. Vinegar is beneficial to your system because it's acidic. When you introduce more acid to your digestive system it cues your body to produce less acid, which helps to slow down metabolism. This increases your ability to break down foods, which includes the purification process that occurs in the kidneys and the liver. When you do this over a long period of time you become more efficient at processing fats and toxins.The active ingredient in marijuana, THC, likes to store itself in your fat cells, which is why it takes so long for it to be completely out of your system. For example, your body will generally break down one serving of alcohol in an hour and it will be out of your system within 24 hours (depending on how much alcohol your system is processing). While someone new to marijuana might be able to eliminate the toxins relatively quickly, a chronic user will need a few weeks to a month. That said, the introduction of vinegar (and lots of water), particularly in large amounts, can help you to flush impurities out of your urine. While this is not the same thing as eliminating THC from your system, sometimes it can dilute your urine to a point where a test might be inconclusive. Still, this is not guaranteed.
Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago
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