How to Train a Dog to Sleep in His Dog Bed: Our Rodrigo on his Pet Dreams Ortho Bliss Memory Foam Dog Bed! He loves it! Blue loves it more ;) Guest post by Stephen Burroughs... There are a lot of articles on the internet about dog bed training, but most of them are exactly the same. I do want to talk to you about dog beds, why they’re a great idea and how to get your dog to enjoy sleeping in one, but I don’t want to regurgitate the same tired article that’s grown like a weed around the web. Instead, I’m going to share the experience of training my Miniature Pinscher, Herschel, to use the little doggy bed he now calls home. It was a pretty easy process in the end, and now he has a designated sleeping area that he’s in love with. It also keeps him well rested and gives him a good place to spend some alone time when he needs it. This article isn’t actually a ‘boot camp’ type of thing—that would be way too harsh. After all, we’re just preparing your dog to sleep in his own bed, not
Posted: 9 years, 5 month(s) ago
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