Tip - Draw Female Breasts

Published  | Submitted by Ameya Hete
Draw Female Breasts

The easiest way to draw female breasts is to place a sheet of tracing paper over a photograph or illustration of female breasts. A magazine like Playboy can provide the original. If this technique is employed, the “artist” should remember to draw what he (or she) sees, not what he (or she) thinks he (or she) sees, as there is often a big difference between the two. edit Shape and Size It is also helpful to remember that female breasts, in their prime, are generally spherical or globular and...
Tags: Uncyclopedia,uncyclo,HowTo:Draw Female Breasts,Female,Breasts,Paper,Photograph,Magazine,Playboy,Artist,Mosquito,Basketball,Crayon

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Posted: 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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