Assistant Public Defender Shelley Duff is passionate about clothing and style, and when a client was on trial for homicide last summer, she strategically employed her fashion sense -- together with her legal know-how -- to help sway the jury. Subtle touches like stilettos and sparkly earrings might seem trivial, but they may actually have made a difference. "My trial lasted a week, and every day before I went to sleep, I would lay out my clothes for the next day, really putting an effort into my outfits and picking a great pair of shoes to wear," said Ms. Duff. After two days of deliberation, the jurors told the judge they were hopelessly deadlocked. "I had a chance to speak to the jury about the case and why they could not reach a verdict," she said. "In the middle of my conversation Tags: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Style & Fashion
Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago
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