Tip - Elvis Impersonation Kit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming the King: Laura Lee: 9781579125486: Amazon.com: Books

Published  | Submitted by nio 1223

Elvis Impersonation Kit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming the King [Laura Lee] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <DIV> Packaged with a pair of plush, paste-on sideburns, a ring, and a pair of Elvis sunglasses, this is the must-have kit for every Elvis wannabe. Whether the goal is small (to imitate Elvis authentically at a party) or lofty (to take the stage at an Elvis tribute artist event) this complete guide to reincarnation as the King takes readers step by step through the metamorphosis. Topics include: • Which Elvis to be (50’s Elvis
Tags: Laura Lee,Elvis Impersonation Kit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming the King,Black Dog & Leventhal,1579125484,General,Ohio,Crafts & Hobbies / General,Crafts / Hobbies,Elvis Presley impersonators,Handbooks, manuals, etc,Humour,Humour: Collections & General,Music,Music / General,Pop music,Popular music,Rock,Rock & Pop music,Rock & pop,Textile Arts - Costume

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