Can anyone tell me which vaccines are essential for pups? I know rabies is important but other than that what is the recommended schedule etc? If there are any other tips related to pups please share them too.
Vaccines depend on how your dog lives and whether you keep it inside your house or out. So when you go for vaccination be sure to tell your vet how and where you intend to keep your dog.
Don't miss out on Rabies vaccine at all. The disease can be fatal if an infected dog bites someone.
The parainfluenza virus commonly causes kennel cough, which is much like cases of flu and influenza in humans. The disease is also transmitted in the same way, so make sure you get vaccinations for this.
Canine Parvovirus is very contagious and affects dogs mainly. Young puppies must get vaccinated against this.
Canine hepatitis is caused by the adenovirus and it can lead to an infection of the respiratory tract. Damage to your dog's liver can also occur if not vaccinated. You should get the CAV-2 vaccine because the CAV-1 has a lot of side effects.
Distemper vaccination is essential because the disease can spread from dog to dog through feces, urine and nasal fluids. Even using an infected dog's water bowl can lead to your dog contracting this disease. It is fatal in most cases, which is why this vaccine is essential.
Category: Pets & Animals | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
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