Etiquette for Addressing the Members of Congress

Etiquette for Addressing the Members of Congress – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Etiquette for Addressing the Members of Congress. This topic was created by Kostas Alexandrou and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - What Is the Appropriate Etiquette in Addressing a Representative? | The Classroom | Synonym

Published:  | Submitted by Ed Wisnewski | permalink
What Is the Appropriate Etiquette in Addressing a Representative? | The Classroom | Synonym

Whether you're greeting a member of the House of Representatives in person, formally introducing them to others or writing them a letter, it's important to know the appropriate etiquette for ...

Tip 2 - Addressing Correspondence to a Former Member of Congress | The Classroom | Synonym

Published:  | Submitted by Pieter Casier | permalink
Addressing Correspondence to a Former Member of Congress | The Classroom | Synonym

When you are addressing a letter to a current member of Congress, you have the option of adding "The Honorable" before the member's name. However, once a person has left ...

Tip 3 - Etiquette for Addressing the Members of Congress | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Diane Morales | permalink
Etiquette for Addressing the Members of Congress | eHow

Individuals in the United States are permitted open communication with members of the Congress (House of Representatives and Senate). Members of the Congress have publicly-listed fax numbers and email and postal addresses for convenient communication.

Tip 4 - - The Politics of Address

Published:  | Submitted by Ashwini Goel | permalink
 - The Politics of Address

Dear Miss Manners: We have a person who was in Congress from 1981 to 1993 and has been out of office since then, who has decided to run for Congress this year in hopes of returning.

Tip 5 - Official Forms of Address

Published:  | Submitted by Daniel Pfeifer | permalink - The Emily Post Institute maintains and evolves the standards of etiquette that Emily Post established with her seminal book Etiquette in 1922. They host etipedia®, the online etiquette encyclopedia and conduct etiquette training.
Tags: emily post, etiquette, wedding, emilypost, table setting, manners, business, training, thank-you, tipping, funeral, children

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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