Facts About the London Eye

Facts About the London Eye – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Facts About the London Eye. This topic was created by Bul Dgy Moo Se and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 10 things you didn't know about the London Eye

Published:  | Submitted by Seachickens | permalink

Read 10 things you didn't know about one of London's most popular tourist attractions and buy your ticket online from VisitBritain

Tip 2 - London Eye Facts - Top Travel Lists

Published:  | Submitted by Jerry Stamatov | permalink
London Eye Facts - Top Travel Lists

London Eye is one of the major symbols of London and the entire United Kingdom. Here are some key London Eye Facts that you would like to know.

Tip 3 - London Eye Facts and Figures

Published:  | Submitted by Javier Mu 00fanera | permalink
London Eye Facts and Figures

LondonNet brings you the 'who, what, when, where, why and how' on the capital's most popular tourist attraction the British Airways London Eye.
Tags: london eye,facts,faqs,info,information,statistics,history,tickets,architects,tussauds,british airways,wheel,millennium,EDF Energy,Merlin,Attraction

Tip 4 - London Eye: 10 Interesting Facts and Figures about the London Eye You Might Not Know

Published:  | Submitted by Brian Curtis | permalink
London Eye: 10 Interesting Facts and Figures about the London Eye You Might Not Know

Tip 5 - The London Eye: Fun Facts

Published:  | Submitted by Thomas Draper Joyce | permalink
The London Eye: Fun Facts

The London Eye: Fun Facts The EDF Energy London Eye is one of London’s most popular attractions, with around three million visitors every single year.  In fact, it annually gets more visitors than the Taj Mahal and the Great Pyramids of Giza!  Construction began in 2008 and, originally named the Millennium Wheel, it was built to celebrate the coming of the new millennium (along with other, less well-fated attractions such as the Millennium Dome – now the O2 arena). The London Eye is not the first wheel of its kind to find itself in London.  Its predecessor, The Great Wheel was built in 1895 as part of the Empire of India Exhibition, but was dismantled in 1907 after an estimated two million people had ridden it.   The modern London Eye has prompted a similar level of enthusiasm.  Here are some fun facts about the London Eye that you may not have known: The structure cost a massive £75 million to build but proved so popular that it had recouped its costs within just a few short months.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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