Tip - Financial Planning

Published  | Submitted by mlapaglia
Living the dream—that’s an expression that always creeps into ski bum lore…but what does it mean? It means skiing pow, all the time. And working? No thanks.  Except this combo actually requires more ingenuity than moving millions on Wall Street everyday. If you want to LTD, all you need to do is keep your eyes on the prize, wing it on blind faith, and get used to eating free bar peanuts.

Living the dream—that’s an expression that always creeps into ski bum lore…but what does it mean? It means skiing pow, all the time. And working? No thanks.  Except this combo actually requires more ingenuity than moving millions on Wall Street everyday. If you want to LTD, all you need to do is keep your eyes on the prize, wing it on blind faith, and get used to eating free bar peanuts.

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Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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