Fix for a Blurred Screen in Windows Vista

Fix for a Blurred Screen in Windows Vista – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Fix for a Blurred Screen in Windows Vista. This topic was created by Darien Sobar and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Your display is blurred with Vista - Disable ClearType

Published:  | Submitted by Chantal Catfolis | permalink
Your display is blurred with Vista -  Disable ClearType

[Your display is blurred with Vista] Disable ClearType ClearType option that comes natively with Windows Vista OS, simply allows smooth display and fonts. However, it also has a blur effect. If you want to disable ClearType, here's the procedure:...

Tip 2 - Why Do My Windows Vista Fonts Look Horrible?

Published:  | Submitted by Dave Cherry | permalink
Why Do My Windows Vista Fonts Look Horrible?

If you’ve just bought a computer with Windows Vista installed and your fonts look awful, especially when browsing the web, it could be because the default settings enabled by the manufacturer have font smoothing disabled.

Tip 3 - How to Fix a Blurry Computer Screen | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Travis Bickle | permalink
How to Fix a Blurry Computer Screen | eHow

A blurry computer screen can be frustrating, but the situation may not always require professional help; it's often possible to fix it yourself. Doing so doesn't mean you have to take the monitor apart.

Tip 4 - How to fix a laptop with a blurry screen

Published:  | Submitted by Eduardo Cabello | permalink
How to fix a laptop with a blurry screen

If your laptop has a blurry screen there is a very good change that you can fix it within a matter of minutes. Here's how to fix a laptop with a blurry screen.
Tags: windows,screen,personalise,step,blurry,laptop,digital-home

Tip 5 - did new windows updates and now my fonts look bad - Windows Vista

Published:  | Submitted by renesun | permalink
did new windows updates and now my fonts look bad - Windows Vista

Page 1 of 11 - did new windows updates and now my fonts look bad - posted in Windows Vista: I did the following updates and now my fonts look different and bad.   (edit, turns out it was this specific update:) KB3013455   I made no other changes to the computer, only these updates.   Some fonts seem the same as before, such as the fonts in the task bar. Others are weird, like the text I am typing right now is variably too fat or too skinny, with jags and dots, like it was pr...
Tags: did,windows,updates,now,fonts,look,bad,following,different,edit,turns,specific

Tip 6 - How to fix NVIDIA blurry or fuzzy screen or text caused by driver installation | Rhymes with Toaster on

Published:  | Submitted by Peter Duke | permalink
How to fix NVIDIA blurry or fuzzy screen or text caused by driver installation | Rhymes with Toaster on

I don't know what's sadder, the fact that I still have to go through this workaround to get my NVIDIA graphics card to display the correct color range to my HDTV over HDMI, or that this page of essential instructions has been lost to the internet. I have grabbed the text from The Wayback Machine and…

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

3.1k+ Reads
6 Tips
6 Votes
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