Foods That Alkalize

Foods That Alkalize – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Foods That Alkalize. This topic was created by The Destroyer 777 and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 25 Alkaline-Promoting Foods

Published:  | Submitted by Rudolf von Stokar | permalink
25 Alkaline-Promoting Foods

These foods may help neutralize potentially toxic dietary acids, potentially supporting organ health and trimming body mass.
Tags: diabetes,diet,digestion,nutrition

Tip 2 - Top six alkaline foods to eat every day for vibrant health

Published:  | Submitted by Deborah Brousseau | permalink
Top six alkaline foods to eat every day for vibrant health

Top six alkaline foods to eat every day for vibrant health
Tags: alkaline,food,foods,acid,heal

Tip 3 - Alkaline-Acid Food Charts | Greenopedia

Published:  | Submitted by George Sedivec | permalink
Alkaline-Acid Food Charts | Greenopedia

How the body reacts to certain foods is what determines what foods are alkaline-forming and what foods are acid-forming. For example lemons are acidic in nature, but have an alkalizing effect on the body once they are digested. Similarly, milk is alkaline outside the body, but acidic upon digestion. Scientists can tell how foods will

Tip 4 - 74 Alkaline Foods to Naturally Balance Your Body

Published:  | Submitted by Lenilza Santos | permalink
74 Alkaline Foods to Naturally Balance Your Body

Trying to go alkaline? It’s easier when you know which foods help your body stay get to and stay in an alkaline state. A general rule of thumb is that you can eat these foods without worrying about any acidic effect they’ll have, although some are more alkaline than others. It isn’t necessary to...

For further reading: [4]

Tip 5 - Alkaline Foods Chart | The Alkaline Sisters

Published:  | Submitted by Janis Love | permalink
Alkaline Foods Chart | The Alkaline Sisters

Each food item below is assigned a number which reflects its approximate value of alkalinity (+) or acidity (-) in one ounce of food. The higher the number, the better it is for you to eat.  Referenced from Dr. Robert O. Young, The pH Miracle Book.

Tip 6 - The 7 Most Alkaline Foods

Published:  | Submitted by q 7solid | permalink
The 7 Most Alkaline Foods

Full description of the seven most high alkaline foods on earth - each with nutritional values, research and five alkaline recipes.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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6 Tips
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