Foods for Asthma

Foods for Asthma – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Foods for Asthma. This topic was created by Celso Barros and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 13 Best and Worst Foods for Your Lungs

Published:  | Submitted by Margaret Volk | permalink
13 Best and Worst Foods for Your Lungs

Although research is ongoing, the foods you choose may have an impact on your asthma symptoms.
Tags: asthma, best and worst foods for lungs, asthma, food, lungs

Tip 2 - Asthma and Diet

Published:  | Submitted by PLMKO | permalink
Asthma and Diet

Can diet and nutrition affect asthma symptoms? Learn more about this intriguing area of research from the experts at WebMD.
Tags: asthma, diet, asthma and diet, asthma and caffeine, asthma and fruits and vegetables, asthma and exercise, asthma and nutrition, asthma and vitamins, asthma and trans fats, omega-3 fatty acids, calories, allergies, GERD, heartburn

Tip 3 - How I Cured My Asthma With One Simple Lifestyle Change | J.D. Moyer on

Published:  | Submitted by Hilary Vincent | permalink
How I Cured My Asthma With One Simple Lifestyle Change | J.D. Moyer on

After years of suffering from adult-onset asthma, I promised myself that if I ever found a way to cure myself, I would share that information with the world.  In a way, it's the reason I started this blog.  It's taken me until now to write this post because it's a difficult subject to write about.…

Tip 4 - The Anti-Asthma Diet

Published:  | Submitted by Sharon Lehrman | permalink
The Anti-Asthma Diet

Five mealtime strategies to help your children breathe easier.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

18.4k+ Reads
4 Tips
4 Votes
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