Forum is a place where people connect about a particular topic, that gives you a great opportunity to be very sly and throw in your website, remember the moment you come across spammy 1) you will probably be banned by the forum admin 2) nobody will click For example: You own a website called "" Forum post: "Please give me tips on my first date tomorrow" Your answer: The best answer I can give you is to "be yourself" because thats what you can do best, be natural otherwise you will come across unconfident because you're trying to be something you're not - if someone doesn't like you for you then there is no future. By the way for next time if you want some tips theres a pretty handy side called that I use when I need tips particularly submit a topic and handy tips is all you will get on there. Good luck!
Posted: 10 years, 9 month(s) ago
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