Free Ways to Locate People

Free Ways to Locate People – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Free Ways to Locate People. This topic was created by Nancy Wildermuth and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 10 Free Tools to Find People on the Web

Published:  | Submitted by Frank French | permalink
10 Free Tools to Find People on the Web

One of the most popular search activities is looking up information about someone. shows you how you can do your detective work with a minimum of effort.

Tip 2 - Free People Search Sites

Published:  | Submitted by Mike Murtaugh | permalink
Free People Search Sites

Finding people online can be a tricky task to undertake, especially with so many sites charging users for information they've found online in the public domain. About Web Search rounds up the best free online tools that will help you find the people you're looking for, all completely without charges of any kind.

Tip 3 - Find People Using Google - Six Ways

Published:  | Submitted by Obermuckel | permalink
Find People Using Google - Six Ways

Google is a fantastic search tool that offers many in-depth resources searchers can use to track down addresses, find a phone number, locate maps, and much more. Learn how to use Google to find people quickly, easily, and efficiently with just a few simple search tricks.

Tip 4 - How to Track Down Anyone Online

Published:  | Submitted by Sybille van Steenberghe | permalink
How to Track Down Anyone Online

When you're trying to find someone online, Google's not the only game in town. In the last two years, a handful of new people search engines have come onto the scene that offer better ways to pinpoint people info by name, handle, location, or place of employment. While there's still no killer, one-stop people search, there are more ways than ever to track down a long-lost friend, stalk an ex, or screen a potential date or employee. The next time you wonder, "What ever happened to so-and-so?" you've got a few power people search tools to turn to.
Tags: Feature, Consumerist, Geek to Live, Google, Google School, Identity, Online identity, People Search, Search Techniques, Top, Lifehacker

Tip 5 - A Simpler Smart Home

Published:  | Submitted by James Marr | permalink
A Simpler Smart Home

Thanks to Wink, building and customizing your smart home is easier than ever before.

For further reading: [5]

Tip 6 - 9 Sites That Find People and Their 'Sensitive' Information

Published:  | Submitted by Mikael Leinsku 00f 6ld | permalink
9 Sites That Find People and Their 'Sensitive' Information

Here are the best sites for locating people, as well as the best sites (like Glassdoor and Criminal Searches) for finding sensitive (but public) information about them.

Tip 7 - How to Find a Current Address for Someone

Published:  | Submitted by Milica Seguela | permalink
How to Find a Current Address for Someone

Have you ever wondered what happened to old what's-his-name, that friend from high school you lost touch with when he moved to California? Thanks to the Internet, finding that missing person can be easy — if you know where to look. Google t...
Tags: WikiHow, Find a Current Address for Someone, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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