Freezing Bread

Freezing Bread – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Freezing Bread. This topic was created by Filipe Raposo and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - The Right Way to Freeze Bread

Published:  | Submitted by BKZPS 3 | permalink
The Right Way to Freeze Bread

Learn the proper way to freeze bread, so you can stock up when it goes on sale or get ahead on your baking.

Tip 2 - Freezing Bread

Published:  | Submitted by John Pignatelli | permalink

Freezing bread keeps it fresh, and retains it’s nutrients. Frozen bread properly wrapped can be store up to 6 months
Tags: Freezing bread,freeze bread,homemade bread

Tip 3 - Does Refrigeration Really Ruin Bread?

Published:  | Submitted by Kristaps 552 | permalink
Does Refrigeration Really Ruin Bread?

Bread doesn't just go stale by drying out: It also goes stale due to the retrogradation of starch. Don't know what that means? We explain it, then show how best to store bread so that you can eat it days on end.
Tags: bread,essential,faq,prep,storage

Tip 4 - The Best Ways to Store & Reheat Bread: Advice from a Baker

Published:  | Submitted by Magilicotti | permalink
The Best Ways to Store & Reheat Bread:  Advice from a Baker

I recently had the chance to sit down and talk with Baker and Doughpuncher David Norman. David is a true artisan when it comes to baking breads, working each batch of dough carefully to achieve the consistency and quality he desires. I asked him about common misconceptions the public may have when it comes to baking and storing bread, and it turns out we may have been doing a few things wrong.

Tip 5 - Good Thing: How to Freeze Bread

Published:  | Submitted by Eddaweaver | permalink
Good Thing: How to Freeze Bread

Tip 6 - how to freeze bread

Published:  | Submitted by Chris Dorn | permalink
how to freeze bread

Learn how to freeze bread, by the loaf or by the slice!

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

17.9k+ Reads
7 Tips
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